Send a Quote

RFQ Response Form

Clicking on an RFQ in your Rotabull RFQ inbox will open the RFQ Response Form. This form is used to prepare a quote and send it to your buyer.

Preparing a Quote

See the images below for detailed information on filling out the RFQ Response Form and sending a Quote.

  • Rotabull automatically adds buyer information to the RFQ response form:
  • Set the sale details for each item in the quote:
  • Add notes, snippets and documents to your quote, then send it!

Stock Line Picker

When quoting, Rotabull allows you to pick specific stock lines for the requested part. The stock line picker is available when you have the requested part in stock. The stock button on each line will be blue when it is available:

When not available, the button will show "No Stock" as in the above screenshots. Clicking the blue Stock button will open the stock line picker:

Selecting one of the lines will show additional details, such as tag and trace info. Fields in the line that differ from the request will be flagged orange. In the above screenshot, both of the lines have less quantity than requested and one of the lines has a different condition code from the request.

Once you have chosen a stock line, click "Select" at the bottom to apply it to the line in your quote. You can then quote as per usual (provide a price, lead time etc) and the quote sent will include the details that are specific to the chosen stock line.

Smart Quote

The Smart Quote button can speed up your quoting process. When data is available, Smart Quote allows you to fill the entire line with the info from your organization's previous quotes on the requested part. Clicking the "Smart Quote" portion of the button will immediately apply the details from the most recent quote. Clicking the dropdown arrow on the button will display the most recent quotes, and you can choose the one you'd like to copy to your quote:

The Customer Quote information includes your organization's quotes on the requested part from the last 90 days. Note that the Smart Quote panel also makes available additional info to view while quoting. You can view any Vendor Quotes you have received on the part and any Price Lines you have set for it, if this information exists in Rotabull for the part.