Quote View
When you respond to an RFQ in Rotabull with a Quote, the deal will be moved to the Quote view. The Quote view is where you can manage, view, and follow-up on the quotes you've sent. To access the Quote view, click “Deals” at the top of Rotabull, then click the “Quote” button on the left side.
What's in the Quote View?
- Search through and filter all of your organization’s sent quotes
- Easily follow-up on a quote via email, or edit a quote and re-send
- Mark deals as paid, accept payment, or create a sales order from a quote
Quote Response Page
Clicking into a quote will open the Quote response page. When you open the page it will display the quote email that was sent to the customer. Note that if you scroll down, you will see the original RFQ from the customer. If you send follow-up emails, those will also be added to this view. In this way, you can easily see all of the communications made on a particular deal.
The Quote Response Page is similar to the RFQ Response Page (see Send a Quote), but there’s some additional functionality now that the deal has been quoted. These actions are available on the top-left:
Follow-up: Click this button to send a follow up email to the customer:
A follow-up email will be sent to the customer as a response to the original quote email, so it will be in the same email thread. The email will include the text you enter here and a copy of the original quote in the body of the email.
Edit Quote: Click this button to make edits to the quote and resend. You can edit anything on the quote- stock line, prices, recipient etc.
Print Quote: Click this to print the quote. If an edited quote was sent, it will print the most recent quote on the deal.
Assign: Assign (or reassign) the deal to a Rotabull user or team.
Payment: Here you can create an invoice for the deal (see info on invoices in Rotabull here), or process a payment (see Enabling Payments).
Mark deal as paid: Mark the deal as paid and it will be moved to the Paid inbox.
Sales Order: Create a sales order from the quote. Most of the information will be auto-filled, but you’ll be prompted to confirm. Once created, the quote/deal will be moved to the Sales Order inbox. Note that this action cannot be undone.
Archive: Move the quote/deal to the Archived Inbox. This affectively ignores the deal, but you can still view it and un-archive it in the Archived Inbox.
Updated 9 months ago