Customizing your quote templates
To personalize your quote templates, you can add your own image, website, contact information, and disclaimers.
Adding a logo
Admin-only feature
This feature is only available for Admin users.
To add a logo, go to Settings > Account Info. Under the Branding section, choose a file, and click Update Branding.
Image sizing
Your logo should be a jpeg or png file, no more than 200 pixels wide and 500 pixels high. Logos larger than this will be scaled down, without changing the aspect ratio.
Updating your website and contact information
To update website and/or contact information, go to Settings > Account Info. Under the Company Information, Address Information, and Personal Contact Information sections, fill in your up-to-date information.
Adding disclaimers or standard attachments
Rotabull can match your current quote templates, with terms & conditions, disclaimers, or special clauses. To add these, go to Settings > Account Info and fill in the Quote Disclaimers and/or Quote Standard Attachment.
The Quote Disclaimers will be added inline to the bottom of all outgoing quotes. This is commonly used for legal disclaimers, clauses, special promotions, or links to pages to important pages on your website.
The Quote Standard Attachment is a file that will be attached to all outgoing quotes. This is commonly used for terms & conditions longer than what you'd like to add inline as disclaimers, special advertisements, or rate cards. Feel free to use it creatively!
Updated about 4 years ago