Trending Part Numbers

The Trending Menu in your RFQ Inbox can be used to find RFQs containing part numbers that have been requested frequently over a period of time.

Find Trending Part Numbers

The Trending Menu is the right-most button on the top row of your RFQ Inbox. It does not appear in the Deals Inbox when you're viewing other stages.

When you open the menu, you'll see that the default settings will show a Date Received of yesterday and today and the Only count unanswered RFQs switch is on. Below those options, you'll see a list of the 10 most-requested part numbers matching those settings, in order of the number of RFQs received. Note that an RFQ in which a part is requested two or more times is only counted once.


What does the count next to the Part Number show?

The number of RFQs you see in the counts is based on all RFQs, not just the ones in your current inbox, and might not match the number of RFQs you see in the inbox after applying a filter.

This is expected, as the Trending Menu allows you to count RFQs in other stages and across any dates you choose to get the best view of what's trending.


Changing Settings

Changing the settings in the menu will show the most popular part numbers matching the new settings. These settings do not affect the filters on the Inbox itself. To add filters to the inbox, select part numbers which you are interested in seeing.