Accessing Rotabull Settings
To access your Rotabull settings, click on the Profile icon in the top right, then select Settings.

What's in Settings?
- Configuration information and settings such as your company information, email settings, quoting behavior, invoice and payment settings
- Marketplace Integration settings for connecting your Rotabull account to external marketplaces
- Automation settings including the Autoquote feature, auto-assignment of deals, and inventory customization settings
- Billing information, notification settings, and Payment/Invoices settings
Click the button on the left side of the settings page to access each section. Note that many fields in Settings have a tooltip: hover over the "?" icon for additional details.
Account Info

Account Info includes company information such as company name, cage code, and address information. You can add a company logo here that will appear on all quotes and invoices sent from Rotabull. These are account-wide settings.
You can also enter your personal contact information. The personal contact form applies to the user you are logged in with and is not an account-wide setting. Similarly, you can change your Rotabull user password at the bottom of this section.
Listing Rules

This section is only available for admin users on Rotabull.
The Listing Rules section allows you to customize the listings that Rotabull sends to your connected marketplaces without modifying the data in your Rotabull inventory.
At the top of the section are basic settings such as "Deduplicate Parts" and "Set all prices to $0.00". Below that, you can exclude parts in your Rotabull inventory from your marketplace listings (Parts Exclusions) and set Quantity Changes on listings.
At the bottom of the Listing Rules page is where you can set up Custom Listing rules. Custom Listing rules allow you to further modify your marketplace listings. See here for more information on Custom Listing Rules.
Email Settings

In the Email Settings, you can find the General Inbound email address for your Rotabull account. This email address can receive RFQs via email and process them into Rotabull. Similarly, there is an inbound email address for receiving RFQs from marketplaces; this one is hidden by default as it is configured in your marketplace integrations automatically.
You can also add a Forwarding email (a copy of all emails received by Rotabull will be forwarded to this address), and an email ignore list if you'd like to block any senders from sending email RFQs to your Rotabull account.

The Quoting settings allow you to configure how a Quote will look when sent from Rotabull.
The "Quote Standard Attachment" allows you to upload files that will be attached to every quote that is sent from your Rotabull account. In the "Quotes Disclaimers" field, you can set a message that will be included on the bottom of every quote.
"Normalize Part Numbers" (in the middle of Quoting settings) helps in cases when a part number on an RFQ is the same as a part number in your stock but it is stylized differently. When enabled, if the exact part number on an RFQ is not present in your stock, but is present with either different capitalization or extra symbols, the part number will be converted to the known version on the RFQ in Rotabull.
There are some additional settings at the bottom that are related to quoting that do not affect how a quote document looks. This includes settings for the Rotabull Smart Quote feature and settings for the Order Now feature.

The Integrations section is used to link external systems to Rotabull. Click on any of the Marketplace panels to access it's settings. The settings differ per marketplace, but generally all of them allow you to toggle parts and MRO sync (sending parts/MRO listings to the marketplace from Rotabull), as well as RFQ Fetch (receiving RFQs from the marketplace into Rotabull).
Most of the marketplaces require credentials from an associated marketplace user account, FTP, or API access. To activate a new marketplace on your account, enter your credentials in the panel and click "Request Integration". Once activated, the marketplace will show a status of "available".
There are also status indicators for your connected ERP system at the top of this section, if you are using one. The "Connected" status indicates that the ERP connection is working and Rotabull is able to sync data from and to your ERP system.
Payments and Invoicing

This section is only available for admin users on Rotabull.
In the Payments and Invoicing section there just a few settings. The first two settings will only apply if you are user of Rotabull Payments, see here for more information. "Payment fees paid by" allows you to choose whether fees will be paid by your business, or the buyer. You can also enable wire and ACH transfers.
If you'd like to add some default fees to your invoices sent from Rotabull, they can be added at the bottom of this section.
Teams and Users Settings

This section is only available for admin users on Rotabull.
In Teams and User Settings, you can create Teams to organize RFQ inboxes and assign/auto-assign RFQs to shared inboxes.
You can also add and edit new users, including access level. Donβt forget to match their Rotabull user with the ERP username, as this allows Rotabull to insert quotes sent by the user into to the ERP with their name.

The Automation section allows you to configure automatic actions that Rotabull will take on your deals as they are received by Rotabull. Set up a rule to automatically assign an incoming RFQ to one of your teams or users, based on many factors. You can also automatically ignore incoming RFQs.
Additionally, you can set up an Autoquote rule to have Rotabull automatically send quotes to your buyers based on your past quotes or your Price Lines. See the Automation Rules and Autoquote guides for more detail.
Price Lines

In the Price Line section, you can upload a list of parts or repair capaibilities (must be .cvs or .xlsx) as Price Lines. Unlike the standard Rotabull inventory, Price Lines require a price as they are primarily used with the Autoquoting feature. Price Lines can also be viewed in the Smart Quote panel when quoting. Price Lines do not affect your standard Rotabull inventory or the listings sent to Marketplaces.

Enable email notifications for various activities within Rotabull. The New Deals and Payments notifications are email notifications, and require you to an enter an email address to receive them. The Assigned Deals notifications are not emailed, they are are shown in the top right of Rotabull (?).
The Billing section simply includes a link to the Rotabull subscription billing info page. Here you can change the billing info for your Rotabull subscription, including the credit card. You can also see your most recent invoices from Rotabull.
Updated 5 months ago